Upcoming EventsFebruary
5 Prayer group in Chapel 9am 6 Sarah Circle 1pm at Stonecroft 6 All Teams meeting 7pm 10 Rebecca Circle 1:30pm 12 Prayer group in Chapel 9am 13 Allure 10am 16 New Members Class 1pm 17 Office Closed — Presidents’ Day holiday 17 New Members Class 6:30pm 18 Congregational Book Read 6:30pm 19 Prayer group in Chapel 9am 19 Stonecroft worship 10am 19 Worship Team meeting 7pm 20 Hosting Synod Sabbath Space event 9am to 12:30pm 20 Executive Team 5:45pm / Church Council 6:30pm 25 Quilting 9am 26 Prayer group in Chapel 9am Calendar and Volunteer Schedule
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