Upcoming EventsOctober
2 Prayer group in Chapel 9am 3 Sarah Circle 1pm 3 All Teams meeting 7pm 5 Blessing of the Animals in the Courtyard 1pm 6 Sunday School children sing during 9am worship 6 Confirmation/HS/Adult:Class on Prayer & Art 10:15am 6 Fall Festival following Sunday School 11:15am 9 Prayer group in Chapel 9am 10 Allure worship 10am 13 High School Sunday School preparing care packages 14 OFFICE CLOSED — Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day 14 Rebecca Circle at Judy Kerns’ home 14 Congregational book read 6:30pm-8pm 15 World Food Day online viewing in Sanctuary 7pm 16 Prayer group in Chapel 9am 16 Stonecroft worship 10am 17 Executive Team 5:45pm / Church Council 6:30pm 22 Quilting 9am 23 Prayer group in Chapel 9am 26 Confirmation retreat 10am-5pm 27 Reformation Sunday 30 Prayer group in Chapel 9am Calendar and Volunteer Schedule
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